Bio-ecological Features of Spruce Beetle (Dendroctonus micans) of Spruce and their Affect on the Sanitary Condition of Spruce Stands in Adjara
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How to Cite

Vasadze, R., & Chkhubadze, G. (2017). Bio-ecological Features of Spruce Beetle (Dendroctonus micans) of Spruce and their Affect on the Sanitary Condition of Spruce Stands in Adjara. Transactions of Georgian National Academy of Sciences Ajara Autonomous Republic Regional Scientific Centre, 2, 87-92.


The article discusses the history of the spread of Spruce Beetle in Georgia, (Dendroctonus micans), Its negative impact in the different composition and age of spruce stands. Longterm monitoring of the research shows that artificial settlement of Rhizophagus grandis Gyll and also the implemented economic measures improved sanitation of Spruce.

pdf (Georgian)


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