The research results of the phytopathological condition of some woody ornamental trees and shrubs in the seacoast of Adjara presented in this article. 85 fungal species causing the diseases of some ornamental trees and shrubs have been revealed. The dominant relatively more dangerous diseases such as Tar Spot of Maple (Rhytisma acerinum), Box Blight (Cylindrocladium buxicoJa), Camellia Leaf Gall {Exobasidium cameliae), Oak Mildew (.Microsphaeria alpitoides), Oleander Anthracnose (Cloeosporium oieandri), Rose powdery mildew (Sphaeroteca pannosa (Wall.Fr.) Lev. Var. rosae), Rose black spot disease (Marsonina rosae), Leaf spots of Butia capitata (Coniothyrium paJmarum), Mildew of Euonymtts japonicus (Oidium- evonymi-j aponici) and others are revealed on the basis of the study of the harm and spread of disease caused by them. These diseases spread massively almost every year and cause a considerable amount of damage.
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