Dynamics of Heavy Metal s in Various Types of Plants

How to Cite

Asanidze, N., Tavdgiridze, G., & Kamadadze, T. (2016). Dynamics of Heavy Metal s in Various Types of Plants. Transactions of Georgian National Academy of Sciences Ajara Autonomous Republic Regional Scientific Centre, 1, 59-62. https://papers.4science.ge/index.php/tgsa/article/view/27


Special literature deals with the negative role of heavy metals on the health of human beings and the plant itself. Therefore, it is obvious that the investigation of the amount and the annual dynamic of them in plants will bring great benefit for health protection organization as well as the agriculture and ecological services. We have studied the annual dynamic of the amount of heavy metals in various plants spread in the region of Ajara. Samples for analysis were taken at the roadside of the central road (e.g. Batumi airport surroundings) as well as far from the road (Makhinjauri, Chakvi, Ortabatumi...).



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