Some Issues of Human Resource Management in Public Service of Georgia


Human resource management
public service
guidelines for human resource management in public institutions
human resource management models in the public sector
bureau of public service
law “about public service”

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Tugushi, M. (2019). Some Issues of Human Resource Management in Public Service of Georgia. Economics and Business, 3, 153-172.


For the provision of effective management of Human Resources in Public Service it is necessary to involve the specialists who will have deep theoretical knowledge and rich experience with high motivation and interest in these highly relevant activities.

Some Issues of Human Resource Management in Public Service of Georgia On any level of Public Service, the principles of “prevailing public interest” should be respected most of all, which implies that the goals set before the public service must be achieved by the least cost of any resources. Maintaining public service should not be a great financial “burden” for the government budget.

It should be noted that the leadership of the Georgian government administration with the participation of foreign experts has developed and implemented the plan of actions for the reform of public governance for 2019-2020, but, unfortunately, the probably results of the above reform are not specifically defined in this plan, it is not shown how the current state of public service will be changed, particularly, in the field of human resource management.

At present, in the Georgian government administration there are employed 227 specialists. Accordingly, the costs of their job compensation (salary, additions, bonuses), office and other expenses makes a large sum upon the whole. Therefore, it is necessary to change the essential character of the organizational structure and functions and to provide relevant job instructions. The issue of improving the organizational structure and reducing the number of civil servants is not less important for the Parliament of Georgia as well. Currently, the Parliament of Georgia, which employs 670 specialists, has the potential possibility to improve organizational structure and optimize human resources and it should be used anyway.

During the establishment of the Budget Office of the Parliament of Georgia (which was created with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)), it was focused mainly on conducting the special studies on acute financial-budgetary, monetary-credit and socio-economic problems. At present, for various reasons, implementation of such topics are no longer elaborated, which, to our opinion, is unacceptable, because it was this very direction that distinguished it from the activities of the Office Finance and Budget Committee.

Due to the optimization tasks of the Public service, the maintenance of the budget office of the Parliament of Georgia in its current form should not be expedient and the question of joining its Finance and Budget Committee staff should be raised. Moreover, this committee has a greater experience in researching fiscal matters than the office.

The effectiveness of human resource management in public service of the country would be mostly depend on how well the middle and lower links (rows) of the process are being managed.

For the purpose to eliminate duplication of functions and not to allow parallelism, the organizational structures of the administrations, municipalities, ministries and departments of the Adjarian and Abkhazian governments and the staff ’s instructions of the employees are to be systematically studied. There will be a lot of hard work to be performed in this direction in the Ministries of Finance, Economy and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other ministries, councils, mayors and boards as well.  Therefore, in order to achieve the main goal provided by the above-mentioned plan in the whole system of the public service, it is necessary to make radical changes in the organizational structure, to study properly the business properties of the multiple staff, to separate the leading core and to replace the rest with highly qualified and small-number experts. The group with the composition of competent experts could solve these tasks and may establish new more flexible organizational structures. On the basis of the goals and objectives of internal structural units and the study of employee position instructions it could be possible to develop recommendations for more effective use of human resources.



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