For Improvement of the Management of the Use of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Tourism


intangible cultural heritage
tangible cultural heritage
cultural tourism
cultural policy
decentralization of management
management of the use of intangible cultural heritage in tourism

How to Cite

Tugushi, M., & Gvinjilia, M. (2024). For Improvement of the Management of the Use of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Tourism . Economics and Business, 2, 108-122.


The protection and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage is considerably depended on the development of cultural tourism and contrary; it is impossible to expand the scope/ geography of cultural tourism without offering the best samples of cultural heritage to tourists. The management process of the involvement of the best samples of the intangible (tangible) cultural heritage in cultural tourism in Georgia is complicated due to the fact that, first of all, the structural units of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia – the National Tourism Administration and the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation requires effective coordination of their activity. In addition, the coordination of the above-mentioned activities must be carried out at the highest, regional and municipal (local) levels.

In the article, there are proposed the improving measures of the management mechanisms of the use of intangible cultural heritage in tourism by managing the aforementioned levels.



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