During a lot of years, in Georgia, the significant components of Human Resource Managements Lagislative Base were: the Law «About Employement» and « Labour Code». In 2006 by adopting the "Labor Code" the Law of Georgia "About Employment" was declared invalid. Declaration of the above mentioned Law as invalid by adopting the "Labor Code" which caused cancellation of state and regional services of employment in the country was not a correct, adequate decision, which was not derived from the point of improvement of employment and unemployment state in the country. Due to the above mentioned, registration of unemployement, granting the appropriate status of unemployed and preparation and retraining programs has been terminated for unemployed people. Accordingly, factual index of unemployement has been greatly increased due to especially great number of labor force for the labor market and a miserable number of demand in labor force in the country. It could be said, that within the period, when the Law «About Employement» was in force, the government employed a part of the unemployed, some of the employees have been defended from unemployment. At present, in Georgia, there does not exist any kind of state structure ( is not created and developed the net of private Employement Agencies as well), which could offer any Intermediary service free of charge for the purpose of employement of the unemployed and job seakers. A very pleasant exclusion is Activities of the International Organization for Migration Employment Service in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi and Telavi, the goal of which is to realize one or more of these projects for the purpose of employment. Comparing the Articles and norms of the law «About Employement» and « Labour Code» it is clear, that we deal with the Laws of principally different aims and activities, which complete each other. The most important goal and designation of the law «About Employement» is arrangement of the problems of unemployement, as for the «Labour Code», it is designed for normalization of labour interrelationsip. That,s why the both of the laws together with the Law «About Trade Unions», other laws and together with appropriate Governmental structures coexist and are acting in almost all the developed and developing countries of the world. Preparation of new edition of the law«About Employement» , it“s timely reception and implementation is necessary for the purpose of successfully solving the employment and unemployment regulation tasks in the country. Due to the same aims it would be also necessary to expand the functions of «Labor Ring» at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Health Care. While processing the employement Policy the above mentioned Ministry should have taken responsibility for the realization of the policy itself. It implies coordination of activities carried out by the Government for the purpose of regulation the employment and unemployment processes.
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საქართველოს შრომის, ჯანმრთელობისა და სოციალური დაცვის სამინისტროს დებულება, დამტკიცებულია საქართველოს მთავრობის #249 დადგენილებით 2005 წლის 31 დეკემბერს.
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,,საქსტატის“ ინფორმაცია დასაქმებისა და უმუშევრობის შესახებ.