Georgian Dress Reflected in German Sources of XVI-XIX centuries
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German-language written sources
Georgian historical costume

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Georgian Dress Reflected in German Sources of XVI-XIX centuries. (2024). „Museum and Globalization“ Materials from the International Conference, 113-122.


The article raises the issue of the importance of foreign written and fine sources of different epochs, including German-language sources, in the study of Georgian historical costume. Travel literature of the XVI-XIX centuries, historical-geographical atlases, cognitive albums, research reports are described, in which the current images of Georgians are described and illustrative materials are attached. The purpose of each author's trip is reviewed and their brief biographical data is given. The clothes presented in the gravures are analyzed and they are compared with the clothes imaged contemporary Georgian fine materials. Accordingly, it is concluded that the Fine Art material created by the eyewitness observer is valuable, with visually shows the shape on the costume, that silhouette weather and in some cases the decoration and the texture. Also, the question is raised about the need for further research by foreign sources the present a complete panorama of the evolution of the Georgian costume.

Interest in Georgia as a foreign exotic country has been found in German Source since the Middle Ages. The fest source is the work of the Bavarian Hans Schiltberge 1380-1437) "Journey of Johannes Schiltberger from Munich to Europe, Asia add Africa from 1394-1427". The scene of the every day life on Georgians is contained in the "Cosmography" of the German scientist and cartographer Sebastian Munster (1488-1552); Leonard Rauwolf (1535-1596) - German physician, botanist and traveler, provides information about the drees of Georgians in his book "Description of Travel to Eastern Countries". Information about Georgian traditional clothing is contained in the writings of the German scholar and the travel acad. Johaan Guldenstedt. The works of the German orientalist - Julius Henrich von Claprot 91783-1835) are informative about Georgia and Georgians. The paintings and sketches of the famous German artist Paul von Franken (1818-1884) from the series about the Caucasus are distinguished by their amazing efficiency and information. The German-language flow of information from these and other authors created certain perceptions of Georgia and the Georgian people, including visual ones in European Society. This information has not lost its relevance at the modern stage, as it provides important material for the study of Georgia historical costume.

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Arts and Culture

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