Georgian Clothing in the Memories and Etudes of Foreign Authors' Travels in the Black Sea region


Georgian clothes
History of the costume
European travelers
Ethnographic sketches

How to Cite

Ugrekhelidze, I. (2024). Georgian Clothing in the Memories and Etudes of Foreign Authors’ Travels in the Black Sea region. Transactions of Niko Berdzenishvili Institute, 16, 656-674.


At this time, the preservation of cultural values is a pressing concern for society, which also encompasses historical costume as one of the artistic-aesthetic objects best reflecting the Georgian people's character. Despite the fact that Georgian clothing has piqued the curiosity of historians from various fields, its whole history has yet to be recorded due to a paucity of illustrative and applicable materials. As a result, it's critical to gather as much information and visual material as possible to aid in the study of Georgian historical and traditional clothes. Iv. Javakhishvili and S. Kaukhchishvili, two outstanding Georgian historians, took notice, and interest in foreign language sources that has not waned ever since. However, there are still unknown resources whose discovery, publishing, and release will be significant news for anyone interested in the subject. These materials comprise the impressions of European authors who visited Georgia’s Black Sea regions in the 15th and 16th century for a variety of reasons. The restoration of contemporary uniforms and headscarves, silhouette and structure of this or that traveler, which are now unknown, is feasible thanks to the analysis of Georgian clothing, sketches drawn from nature, ethnographic sketches, and illustrative engravings provided by them. As a result, there will be an opportunity to assess the change and development of the Georgian costume.



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