Chemical-experimental study of ehloroorganic pesticides by tri-quadrupole-type (GC-MS/MS) tandem mass spectrometer by air-chromatographic method was conducted in the fruit. The study found that all samples of Georgian and Turkish lemons with organoleptic and physical indicators were of the highest category; according to the dimensions of the fruit, the Turkish mandarin was nonstandard, Georgian-standard. A study by Gost on the content of chloroorganic pesticides in research fruit samples showed, that a-, b-, g- hexachlorocyclohexane and its isomers, also, the total concentration of DDT and its metabolites is much lower,than results of studies conducted under the manufacturer's instructions. The results obtained were greatly influenced by the use of extraction and purification salts, which is specified in the manufacturer's instructions. These salts are characterized by high purity and durability, which is a guarantee of quantitatively resulting accuracy. However, the detection limit is much lower than the manufabturer's instructions, than Gost, in particular: according to GOST the minimum detection points for a-, b-, g- - hexachlorocyclohexane -0.001 mg/kg; for DDT and its metabolites - 0.007 mg / kg; according to the manufacturer's instructions, the minimum detection points for a-, b-, g- -hexachlorocyclohexane, DDT and its metabolites are —10 ng/g.
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