Currently, regardless of the considerable interest of researchers in Georgian Historical costume, due to the scarcity of material evidence and fine art (illustrative- graphic) information, the forms and construction of Georgian clothing that date back to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are insufficiently covered. In the condition with the lack of information, the earliest illustrative materials (miniatures, engravings) from foreign sources, that are neglected in scientific circulation can be used for comparison and analysis of the materials in Georgian fine works.
The earliest images of Georgians from foreign sources can be found in the Ottoman manuscript "Secaatname" by Asafi Dal Mehmed £elebi dated to 1586 and in the book by the Italian artist-engraver Cesare Vecellio published in 1590 - "De gli habiti antichi, e moderni di diverse libi parti del mondo" due".
By comparing Georgian clothes and headwear depicted in Ottoman manuscript miniatures as well as engravings and drawing of Italian book and drawing parallels with contemporary Georgian fine materials (monumental and miniature paintings) it’s possible to make some conclusions concerning the forms and constructions of the 16th century clothing.
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