
  • A. Ivanova Author
  • T. Mdzinarashvili Author
  • M. Khvedelidze Author
  • M. Tediashvili Author
  • N. Janelidze Author
  • G. Mrevlishvili Author


phage, bacterial membrane fragments, adsorption, DNA ejection


The first steps of phage-bacteria interaction (phage adsorption on membrane fragments and DNA ejection from the phage) on the model system consisting of a phage and bacterial membrane fragments were investigated. The membrane fragments from E.coli with the presented active receptor system were obtained by ultrasound disintegrartion (sonication). Using the viscometric method, the DNA ejection from the phage capsid into the solvent was observed. The viscometric investigations were carried out under alkaline conditions, because in this case less aggregation of the bacterial membrane fragments was observed. It is demonstrated that the specific viscosity of the suspensions of of both the phage and the membrane fragments is almost zero. The specific viscosity increase with time (a kinetic process) occurs only in the case of the phage - membrane fragments complex. The kinetic process, in its turn, is the phage adsorption on the bacterial membrane fragments and the DNA ejection from the phage into the solvent.


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How to Cite

Ivanova, A., Mdzinarashvili , T., Khvedelidze, M., Tediashvili, M., Janelidze, N., & Mrevlishvili, G. (2003). BACTERIAL MEMBRANE FRAGMENTS AS PHAGE DNA EJECTION STIMULANTS. GEORGIAN ENGINEERING NEWS, 3, 163-166.