
“Green Management“
“Green Economics“
Environmental impacts
measures environment protection
social responsibility of business

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Tugushi, M. (2019). SOME ISSUES OF «GREEN MANAGEMENT» IN GEORGIA . Current Problems of Formation of "Green Economy".


«Green Management» is a management activity which aims to improve the basis of environmental (ecological) management, development of staff responsible for environmental activities, environmental management systems and communications and biodiversity maintaining. Due to the fact that realization of the events being planned by the "Green Economy" sectors is unimaginable without "Green Management". In the developed countries particular attention is payed to it. World practice certifies, that legislative and executive bodies, as well as judicial power, business, mass media, population and other sectors of the country should perform organizing role in implementation of Green Economy and Green Management events in order to mitigate and eradicate negative impacts on the environment. Governments of Georgia and its Autonomous Republic, mayors and municipalities recognize the importance of the above mentioned problem and try to implement environmental measures in timely manner by using their competence, financial resources and staff units. In recent years, in the state budgets of Georgia, the Autonomous Republic and all the Territorial Units have been considered many environmental measures for our country, the source of financing of the above-mentioned budgets together with their own incomes include the international financial institutions and foreign governments long term investment financing for the Georgian government by preferential credits and grants. For instance, in the State budget of 2019, which includes data from the budgets of 2017 and 2018 as well, there are a number of programs or individual activities aimed at mitigating negative impacts on environment and in some cases their eradicating. During last years, environmental improvements in Georgia have been improved to some extent. Along with other measures. It was facilitated by implementation of a number of realized measures and events envisaged by the Association Agreement with the European Union. Nevertheless, the level of development of "Green Economy" and "Green Management" in our country is not still good. Though it should be said, that last year, realization of the environmental policies referred to by the Prime Minister as the first task of the country, which also includes development of the "Green Economy", has the prospects of substantially improving the situation created in this field. The Government of Georgia, as well as the management of Green Economy, or Green Management, as in a high level of governing ( government of the country), as well as the medium (autonomous republic government) or the lowest (municipalities) organizational structures do not need to create substantial changes and new jobs in this direction. As it is shown from the provisions of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Ministry of Agriculture, there already exists an organizational structure, which is necessary for efficient management of environmental activity. It could be said, that the Legal framework of the law for environmental activity in Georgia is already created, but if necessary it is not a problem to improve some of the provisions (for example, the draft Law on Environmental Responsibility» is now in the process of review in the Parliament of Georgia). It has been already started and currently successfully is going on harmonization of the existed Law with the European norms. Though, the concrete steps should be taken in the following years in order to improve air, soil and water pollution prevention, waste management, biodiversity, ecosystems and from the point of view of sustainable management of all natural resources. It should be mentioned here, that in Georgia still there is an acute problem of financial resources required for realization of environmental measures and in some cases the problem of personnel with relevant qualifications. In Georgia should be created such an entrepreneurial environment that will enable medium and small businesses to play much more important role in implementation of overall product and environmental strategy. Taking into consideration that realization of the environmental programs - projects require large amounts of money (and that the potential resources of Georgia are not so big), seeking for foreign donors is still important. In this direction, we should more and more activate our work with friendly states, international financial organizations and investors. The Association Agreement with the European Union will still significantly support our country in finding financial resources. Conclusion: the interest of the government of Georgia (as in the center and in the regions) towards “Green Economy" and, “Green Management" is constantly growing. Increasing social responsibility of the business and activating activities to the environmental direction, creating more and more people's interest in resolving these problems create possibility of gradual overcoming the environmental problems, which will hopefully be used.



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