(на примере творчества Гуранды Клибадзе)
Problem of Gender is very actual in modem European Art. In Georgian reality it is not very actual, but increasingly it actuates more attention. One of the first to open this problem is Guranda Klibadze. Her paintings make able to uncover this problem, which is in conflict with Georgian traditions that's why it is so important as a novation.
The fact that nobody has interested in this theme in Georgian Art, until now makes the painter more responsible and gives the opportunity to continue her way which no one has ever walked before. One of the main factor which detennines her manner of work is that she mainly looks to a women sign, thus showing her approach, as a part of the society, to the so called poorest layer - prostitutes. Her position is the position of an emancipated woman, who's manner of work is being transformed.
The painter seizes the most common and difficult questions about gender problem in her works. The first is to look at the gender problem from the past and present point of view. The second is to show the problem that the painter sees and is important to her, and lastly, the question is a painter herself, who shows gender signs.