რუსეთის იმპერიის კოლონიური ხელისუფლების განმტკიცება აფხაზეთში ყირიმის ომის შემდეგ (1856-1862 წწ.)
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როგორ უნდა ციტირება

ხორავა ბ. (2021). რუსეთის იმპერიის კოლონიური ხელისუფლების განმტკიცება აფხაზეთში ყირიმის ომის შემდეგ (1856-1862 წწ.). საისტორიო ძიებანი, 13, 204-237. https://papers.4science.ge/index.php/hr/article/view/36


In the secondpart of the 50ies of the XIX century the main concern of the Government of the Russian Empire was to quickly gain victory in the Caucasian War. Russia needed this victory, first of all for using up enormous resources by the war and, second, in order to restore compromised authority in Europe after defeat in the Crimean War (1853-1856).

In 1856 Aleksander Baryatinsky was appointed as Commander-in-chief of the Caucasian Corps and Governor of the Caucasus. The reorganization of themanagement of Caucasus Corps has been implemented. The Caucasus Corps has been strengthened and transformed into an Caucasian army.

In fact, Russia had almost to conquer Abkhazia again. The Russian military troops were dislocated in the coastline. Military expeditions were sent in order to subordinate Abkhazian mountainous regions – Tsebeli, Dali, Pskhu. In 1859 the Russian Empire conquered North-East Caucasia – Chechnya-Dagestan and then attacked the Western Caucasus with more forces. In December 1862 the Commander-in-chief of the Caucasian army and Governor of the Caucasus A. Baryatinsky was relieved of his post in Caucasus at his own request due to health conditions. The younger brother of the Emperor, Grand Duke Michael Romanov was appointed as Commander-in-chief of the Caucasian army and Governor of the Caucasus. The latter had to finish the work thathis predecessors had started. He was awarded withlaurel wreath after Russian-Caucasian Centennial War (1763-1864) and strengthened colonial possession of the Russian Empire in Abkhazia.

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